Sunday, November 11, 2012


Election week this week proved to keep me entertained all Tuesday evening, (while studying for a test, of course).  The news commentators always have the funniest thing to say whether it is in error or on purpose.  The speeches by both Governor Romney and President Obama proved to be worth the wait, since it was necessary to stay up late to enjoy.  My favorite site is this map of how the states' votes were divided-- whether you are Republican or Democrat it is fascinating to see how people voted in different areas.

Wednesday was our annual event, Dinner with the Industry.  What started five years ago as a chance for business students to interact with professionals has continued to grow and make it possible for medical students, law students, and business students to talk to professionals regarding med school, working in a law firm, and all areas of business.  Students were encouraged to talk to the professionals about anything in the professional world, and gave students a chance to have dinner in a professional setting since it was catered by Sodexo.  Freshmen who were just looking for experience all the way to seniors looking for internships were welcome and gained many beneficial skills through this experience.

The following day, I had a luncheon with a professional for a possible summer internship- so I could say that three years of Dinner with the Industry has been good practice for interviewing with a meal involved!

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