Friday, October 26, 2012


Even after living in Kansas City and going to Rockhurst for 2 years (almost 2 1/2!), I have this week still been able to experience several "firsts".

On Tuesday, my dad (who travels for work) visited me in KC and I had sushi for the first time at Friends Sushi and Bento Place.  It was SO wonderful!  I would recommend this to ANYONE- we had an appetizer, two small sushi rolls and one large sushi roll plus dessert for less than $30- which was plenty to fill both of us!  I have a feeling this will become one of my favorite places to go.
Slightly blurry picture of our sushi rolls from my phone

Then on Wednesday, I went to my first ever professional soccer game through DSP!  First I'll explain the organization-- Delta Sigma Pi is our professional business fraternity on campus.  I have been involved in this organization since my freshman year, and I have had many opportunities as a result of it.  The UMKC chapter of DSP organized a brotherhood event to attend a KC Sporting game.  So, obviously, I wanted to attend!  I paid $25 and got 4th row tickets to see KC Sporting defeat Philadelphia Union to win the Eastern Conference title.  I always forget how much I like sports (I was a cheerleader in high school) until I actually GO to sporting events!  Therefore, I definitely got into the excitement and energy that comes along with such a devoted fan-base like Sporting has!
View from our seats

This week also included a phenomenal presentation by James Wanerski, a man who has exposed fraud in several companies that he has worked with over the past 30 years.  He attributed his successful present life to his Rockhurst educational background- both with undergrad and his MBA.  Rockhurst has been able to bring many different speakers with different backgrounds over the past years-- its incredible to be a part of!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just the beginning

... of another amazing year!

Being asked to write a blog is being told that someone believes that your life is interesting enough for others to read.  I find this to be an incredible honor!  So I'm excited to start this little experiment!

This year has already been filled with some incredible opportunities and memorable moments- I guess the best place to start though is with one of those opportunities!  

At the end of September, I was able to attend an event with political commentator, George Will.  Rockhurst invited about 40 student leaders from many different organizations around campus to attend a special Q & A session with only Rockhurst students and Mr Will, in addition to a lunch event with over 600 people attending at the downtown Marriot.  As a member of Student Senate- I sat at one of the head tables with executives from Inergy, right in front of the stage.  I am always amazed at how our little school is not so little when it comes to the opportunities and connections that we have.  

Here's a picture I found from the event-- there I am with George Will!

And this is from the luncheon-- I sat at table 6(!!)  and this is one of the executives from Inergy-- we were right in front of the stage.

And finally- this is a picture with several of the Student Senators who attended.

Memorable moments are abound in a college community-- living in a Townhouse this year has resulted in numerous burns and fails while I'm cooking and baking.  But none can compare to my roommate-- who after purchasing a Mandolin-- was slicing apples.  She got excited and sliced her pinky finger right through-- I arrived home to her sitting outside waiting for the Rockhurst Security Officer to arrive and check it out, because it had been gushing blood for 20 minutes.  She does not like blood and so per the Rockhurst Security Officer's advice- we went to the emergency room since it was still bleeding and she felt sick.  After being allowed into the parking garage by the officer at St Luke's, we went ahead and unwrapped her injury- only to find that it was healing quite fine!  So we quickly left the emergency room parking garage, avoiding the officer's eye, and went to CVS to take care of it ourselves.  

Moral of the story-- be careful with sharp objects, no matter how old you are.  

But every week is sure to be full of these new adventures-- and I just can't wait!